We Build Green, Sustainable, Healthy and Architecturally Beautiful Homes, Additions and Renovations

We build new homes from the ground up, additions and we do state-of-the-art eco renovations that will provide many years of enjoyment and durability.

Update Your Home

Love your home but would like bring it up to date, make it more comfortable, healthy, green and less expensive to live in?   We will do modest improvements up to complete rehabilitations including deep energy retrofit, click here for more information.


We can be a resource for you.  If you want to build a high quality, safe and healthy home but don't know where to start email us to ask for advice.


We can help you design and build your next project, assist in design strategies or direct you to an engineer or architectural firm for design services.

Aero Barrier

To help us achieve excellence in the homes and renovations we build we offer Aero Barrier building sealing technology on Martha’s Vineyard. Aero Barrier is quick and inexpensive compared to other options such as dubious installation of tapes and caulks. See video below for an introduction to Aero Barrier. Please contact us for more information.