Materials- the other family member
100’s of materials make up our homes. Those hundreds of materials are composed of their own dozens of ingredients. So, in reality, thousands of materials go into our homes. What those materials are made of impact the health and wellbeing of the people who live with them. Their impact can be positive or negative. For example, some of the things we live with, like insulations, counters, cabinets, paints, finishes, tiles, sheet goods etc., are made of plastic. Microplastics are the inevitable result of any plastic in a home and microplastics may affect our immune response, be an endocrine disrupter, may affect reproductive systems, gastrointestinal issues, respiratory system etc. Research is ongoing (see here or here for more information). Other items off-gas chemicals, shed phthalates and Volatile Organic Compounds. We should pay attention to what we invite into our homes.
As our homes become tighter- a necessary requirement for energy performance, our health and our comfort - what we live with can have more impact on our health. They become the family member you love but is toxic, or the family member you love and loves you back. When we build your home, we pay particular attention to what we put into your home by selecting tried and true - better - alternatives when those options are available.